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Ticketor Plans & Prices


  Best rate in the industry

  Unbeatable, easy pricing, no quotes, no hidden fees, no games!

  No fee to you. Transfer the fee to the buyers.

  As low as 2.5% + $0.00 per transaction. Yes! No flat fee per ticket.

  Credit for the fees when you refund tickets or cancel events!

  Receive the sales money directly and as tickets sell.

  Set the buyer's fee. From zero to as high as you want.

  No long-term contract and no cancellation fee

  Cost Calculator:

+ $

Total Fees: $0.57 (Ticketor + Payment Processor)

Set the service-charge to $0.57, to transfer all charges to the buyer,

or anything over, to make profit.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Sure, you can use the Standard plan as an unlimited trial plan. It has no monthly fee and no credit card is required. Just sign up and try it out. Set up your events and site. If you are happy, start selling tickets and optionally upgrade, if not, cancel the account from your dashboard

With the Standard plan, you only get charged when you sell.

As shown in the table below, Ticketor plans are designed to give you better transaction rates based on your loyalty and commitment.

If you are a one-time event organizer and planning a small event, the Standard plan, with no monthly fee may be the best for you.

However, if you sell higher number of tickets per year, no matter if you only have one event per year or many, you will get better rate by using the Premium plan with a longer-term commitment.

If you sell approximately 800 tickets or more per year, you usually save money by switching to the Premium 3-Year plan as the 800 tickets, multiplied by the difference in the transaction fee, covers the annual fee of the plan and so, any tickets sold in addition to the 800 will save you money.

Ticketor gives you credit for the fees when you refund tickets or cancel an event.

Most ticketing services charge an additional fee for refunds, or at least, do not refund your fee.

You can switch your plan and upgrade or downgrade at any time from your dashboard. However, any pre-paid fees, including monthly fees, annual fees, or setup fees are non-refundable.

Ticketor percentage fee apply on the total amount of the invoice. Meaning that if you sell discounted tickets, you pay fees based on the discounted amount and not the original amount.

You will receive monthly bills in your dashboard on the same day of the month that you sign up. The bill can be paid by any credit card, debit card or PayPal. You can see and print all your past bills, as well as the ongoing (in-complete) bill in your dashboard. The bills show the details of all charges and you can actually drill down to see the fee break-down per sale.

Ticketor fees are due when the sales happen. Depending on the payment processor that you use, if the payment processor supports split of the money (most modern payment processors like Stripe, PayPal and Square do), Ticketor's fees gets deducted from each individual sale, otherwise the fee gets added to your monthly bill. Depending on your balance, the system may charge you once or multiple times during the month toward the balance you owe.

You are required to have a credit card or PayPal on file for auto-payments and agree to Ticketor's auto-payment to use Ticketor.

You can cancel at any time from your dashboard. There is no cancellation fee and no long-term contract. However, any pre-paid fees, including monthly fees, annual fees, or setup fees are non-refundable.

All cancellations must be done from the dashboard, by the plan owner or administrator and are effective immediately.

If you sign up for a plan that comes at a monthly, annual or multi-year fee, the fee will recur until you cancel the account or downgrade it to an account with no recurring (monthly) fee. The plan does not cancel automatically, even if the payments does not go through for any reason.

We understand the pain. You sign up with a service, set it up, get used to it and when you are vested in that service and have tons of data, the price goes up.

Ticketor believes in loyalty and as a result, historically, has never raised the fees for existing, active clients.

However, signing up for a longer-term plan guarantees that your fee will not change for the term of the plan.

Note, that if you change your plan at any time, you are going to be charged according to the new plan that you are choosing at the time.

When you sell or buy tickets online, there are always 3 types of fees involved no matter what service you use:

  1. Ticketing Service Fee: A fee that is charged by the website or service you use to sell tickets.

  2. Payment Processing Fees: A fee charged by the payment processor or PayPal to process the payment or credit card.

    Some ticketing systems force you to use their payment processor. Which usually means that you are going to pay higher payment processing fee and receive your sales money later. The ticketing system receives the ticket sales money, keep them in their account for months or weeks, and release the money to you several days after the event.

    In contrast, Ticketor allows you to use the payment processor of your choice and receive the sales money directly and shop for the best payment processing fee and potentially use the non-profit discount.

    Ticketor has no access and no hold to your money.

    If you don't have a payment processor, you can get one quickly as part of the setup.

  3. Delivery Charges: A fee charged for delivering tickets by mail, will-call, or other methods.

    Ticketor does not charge for most delivery methods. However, it allows you to charge your buyers for different delivery methods.

As you may know, when you buy tickets, there is usually an additional fee known as 'service charge' or 'Convenience fee' that is paid in addition to the tickets face price by the buyer.

Most ticketing services set that fee and collect it and you (the event organizer) have no, or limited control over that fee.

Some ticketing services make you pay the fees, while some others charge the buyers and some split the fee between you and the buyer.

Ticketor gives you full control over the fees. You are the one who decides how much the buyers pay in service charge and you are the one who collects the fees. As a result, you can transfer the fees (including ticketing, payment processing, or any other fee) to the buyer, or absorb part or all of the fees. You can even set a higher service-charge to make extra revenue.

For example:

  • Assume your ticket face price is: $10.00
  • Your Ticketor fee to you is: (2.5%): 10 * 2.5% = $0.25
  • Assuming that your payment processing fee to you is: 2.9%: 10 * 2.9% = $0.29

    * Your payment processing fee may vary. Contact your payment processor for the accurate rate.

  • Your total cost is: $.025 + $0.29 = $0.54

So, if you charge the buyer a service-charge of approximately $0.54, you break even. But most ticketing services charge much higher, why not you? Ticketor allows you to charge as high or as low as you want. If you decide to charge $1.50 for each ticket, you will make approximately and additional $0.96 on each ticket sold.

Please note that both Ticketor and the payment processor fees apply on the total amount of the invoice, including the service charge. As a result, the actual amount of the fees may be a few pennies higher. The 'Cost Calculator' on this page, considers that in its calculation.

Ticketor is compatible with most payment processors including: Stripe, Square, PayPal, (any bank payment processor), Braintree, PayTabs, CenPos, PayU (India)

Ticketor offers wide range of payment methods to the buyers depending on your configuration, payment processor and the buyer's country.

  1. All major credit card including Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover
  2. Wallet and one-click payments such as ApplePay, GooglePay, AmazonPay, CashApp Pay
  3. Financing and pay later providers such as Afterpay, Klarna
  4. PayPal, Venmo, Zelle
  5. Country-specific payment methods such as: iDEAL, Bancontact, Sofort
  6. Cash or bank transfer

Coupons (Only available during initial signup) Expires: Mar 31

  • Coupon  40% off your monthly fee for the life of the account or till you change your plan (Applicable to any Premium plan)
  • Coupon  No monthly fee for 2 months in addition to the 40% off coupon above (Applicable to Premium 3-year plan)
  • Rebate  You, as the administrator of your site, are qualified to receive 5% back in Amazon (or other brands) e-gift-cards, after selling a minimum of $2000.00 in your first 3 months after signup. The 5% is calculated based on all monthly, setup and transaction fees paid to Ticketor within the first 3 months after signup. (Applicable to all Standard and Premium plans)

Pricing in (USD)

No Monthly Fee







$54.95$32.95 /mo
Pay monthly

Most Popular



$54.95$32.95 /mo
Pay annually

Best Value



$54.95$32.95 /mo
Pay for 3 years

Pay As You Go

Full featured, unlimited ticketing solution for all type of events, plus standard marketing and much more

All features in the Standard plan plus advanced marketing and SEO, advanced fraud protection, website builder and CMS (content management system), white-label and custom URL, and much more.

Get lower transaction fee by committing to a longer plan.

One-Time Setup Fee - $24.95 - -
Monthly Fee $0.00 $54.95$32.95 $54.95$32.95 $54.95$32.95
Transaction Fee 2.90% + 0.69 per ticket (1) 2.50% + 0.49 per ticket (1) 2.50% + 0.29 per ticket (1) 2.50% + 0.00 (1)
Cancel Any Time (3) (3) (3) (3)
Ticketing & Box-office
Standard Ticketing & Box-Office

Unlimited Events, venues, interactive seating charts, & tickets.

E-tickets with QR-code and free scanning app.

Unlimited price levels, multiple price per seat, early-bird pricing, group pricing

General Admission Events, Online Events, & Assigned seated (theater style, round table, restaurant style, night-club style or any mix)

Advanced Ticketing

Recurring Events, Timed Events, Season Passes, Memberships, Packages, Bundles, Password protected events

Fees & Payments
Get Paid as Tickets Sell

Direct money deposit, as tickets sell, before the event, through your payment processor of choice.

We don't have access to your money and we don't put hold on it

Use any supported payment processor such as Stripe, Square, PayPal,, Braintree, PayTabs, CenPos, PayU

All Common Payment Methods and Payment Processors

All payment processors: Stripe, Square, PayPal,, Venmo, Zelle, Bank Transfer, etc.

All payment methods: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and local cards

Adjustable Buyer Fee

You are the one who sets and collects the buyer fees (service charges). You can set it as high as you want to make extra revenue or as low as 0

Fee Credit When you Refund

Ticketor gives you credit for the fees when you refund tickets or cancel an event.

Most ticketing systems charge you extra for the refund or do not refund your fees.

Standard Fraud Protection

Standard (Zip and Address validation when supported by payment processor), Block abusive users by email

Advanced Fraud Protection & Chargeback Response

Prevent, Control & Respond to Fraud, and Chargebacks
  • Smart Block: Allows you to block the abusive users by all the information that the system has collected from the user in the past transactions or will collect in their future attempts, including email, phone number, billing address, credit card number, computer / device, etc.
  • Rule Base Fraud Protection: Allows you to create rules for 3DS (3D Secure) challenge or address verification to minimize fraud and transfer fraud responsibility to the credit card issuer (if supported by the payment processor and card issuer).
  • Chargeback Response: Customizable templates that automatically gets populated with the user's and transaction information, for easy and quick charge-back response preparation.

$19.95 $19.95 $19.95 $19.95
Marketing, SEO, Branding & Reputation Management
Standard Marketing, Social Network, QR-Code, SEO, Google Submission

Coupons, Promo Codes, SEO and Search Engine Submission

Your events and pages are made optimized for Google and other search engines and get submitted to them frequently

Dedicated link to post on social media, blog or emails, QR code to scan to buy tickets

Advanced Social Media, Marketing, SEO, Analytics

Share & earn affiliated marketing (Powerful tool to incentives your buyers to invite their friends)

Social media sign in, sign up and share buttons

Google Analytics Integration, Facebook Ads pixel, Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Integrate into your website or social media

Link to the site or embed it into your site. You will get a URL to your event-list page and one URL per event. You can put the links on any website or social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Mailing List (Newsletter)

No maintenance, newsletter system, with integrated templates, tags that can pull information from your events, and click / open tracking, with automated opt in and unsubscribe functionalities

Send email to ALL your subscribers as regular newsletter, or to people who purchased certain events for reminder, thank-you or other event-specific information

You can send unlimited newsletters. The extra newsletters will incur a small fee per recipient

1 free per month to all +
1 free per event, to event subscribers
1 free per week to all +
2 free per event, to event subscribers
1 free per week to all +
2 free per event, to event subscribers
1 free per week to all +
2 free per event, to event subscribers
Text (SMS / MMS) Marketing

Sent text (SMS /MMS) to your subscribers.

Only available in US & Canada

Fee per recipient Fee per recipient Fee per recipient Fee per recipient
Custom URL - White-Label

Use custom URL and hide Ticketor from the URL and branding

Use your own domain (Ex: or a sub-domain of that (Ex: or instead of the standard URL of

Standard Reviews & Reputation Management

The system asks your verified buyers to rate their experience and the result are shown on your site and search engines to build trust and reputation. Learn more about Ticketor's reviews

Manageable Reviews

You can review the reviews and ratings and you can delete up to 2 reviews per month at no cost. More reviews can be deleted at a fee. Learn more about Ticketor's reviews

$49.95 $49.95 $49.95 $49.95
Gift Cards System

Effortless and fully self-serve gift card system, allows you to introduce your business to new patrons

E-gift-cards are automatically issued after purchase and the buyer can use them to make purchases online or at the point of sales.

Gift cards can be used in multiple transaction and the buyers portal shows the balance and statement

Data Ownership

You will own your buyer data. Ticketor does not communicate with your users and does not sell your user's information. We do not send competitor's events to your users.

No Ad or Competitor Events

Your pages will not show any ad or competitor's events, unless you opt-in to show ads.

Merchandise, Donation, Gift Card, Food, Drink, Concession, Bar, Restaurant, Parking
Donation Collection & Donor Management

Collect donation, integrate the donation collection in the checkout flow, and allow the donors to pay in the same transactions that they pay for tickets

Supports campaigns with set goal, monthly donations, and opt to cover the processing charge

Automated donation receipt

Online Store & Giftshop

Sell merchandise or services online or at the point of sale and let the buyer pay within the same transaction as the tickets

Add related merchandise (hat, shirt, CDs) to the pre-checkout page for events

Fast and easy point of sale for your giftshop

Bar, Restaurant, Concession, Food Stand / Truck

Create store pages for your bar, restaurant and concession stand so the buyers can order online and pick it up or they can order from their seat and have it delivered to their seat

Easy and quick point of sales and ordering module for your bar, restaurant and concession

Kitchen module to view incoming orders and track the preparation progress

Website Builder & Content Management System
Designer Tool: Your Logo & Branding

Allows you to use your logo, color, branding, background pictures and colors and easily design your site

Website Builder / CMS

Add pages and content to your site, including photo and video gallery, articles, blog, instructions, ...

Content Customization

Customize all terms, outgoing emails (welcome email, sales confirmation, ...) , confirmation pages content and format

Multi Language

Your site can support multiple languages including English, Spanish, French and Arabic

All your content and any content that you customize can be in any language

Support & Help
Standard Support

Unlimited Chat & Email

Dedicated knowledgeable support engineer

Premium Support

Up to 1 free 60-minute Zoom meeting, with screen-sharing per quarter, including one for initial setup / training

Get help and consultation with your initial setup, design and training.

Make sure everything is set up correctly the first time.

$49.50 USD per 60-minute meeting
Documentation, Tutorial, Video Trainings, Walkthroughs

Extensive and detailed documentation, step-by-step walk-throughs, tutorial videos and help system

Unlimited Users

Unlimited Administrators, Sales Staff, Gate Checker, Event Organizers and ticket buyers

Comprehensive Reports

With a lot of configurations and CSV export

Offer Ticketing Service to Other Organizations

Offer ticketing service to other organizations and re-sell tickets under your own brand, pricing and design

Reseller Plans Pricing   Learn More about Reseller Plan


No Long-Term Contract - You can cancel your account at any time

You can switch between plans at any time

(1) Same pricing applies to merchandise sold through the online-store feature and donations collected

(2) The same transaction fee that applies to tickets, applies to donations and merchandise sold through the online-store

(3) You can cancel your plan from your dashboard at any time, however, any pre-paid monthly, annual, or setup fee is non-refundable.

You can use Ticketor either in "Self-Service" or "Full-Service" mode.

  • Self-Service mode: You or your team will be in full control over your events and tickets. You will create events, add / remove tickets, etc. Our step-by-step, easy-to-follow tutorial, will teach you everything you need to know and basically it is as easy as creating an event on Facebook. Our support team will help you out if you encounter any problem to make sure you are able to use every feature of your site.
  • Full-Service mode: Ticketor support team is responsible for creating events, adding / removing tickets and customer support based on the information you provide to us.

Learn everything about selling tickets online Successful online ticket sales on Ticketor
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