Ticketor - Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

This article and video, demonstrates how to create one or more donation pages for different causes so you can collect donations and integrate the donation collection in the purchase fellow to significantly increase the volume of donations and create an integrated ticketing and donation collection system.

Collecting donations is an important function of any non-profit organization but unfortunately most ticketing and registration systems, miss this functionality or do not integrate it correctly into the purchase fellow to make it easy and seamless for the buyer to easily add donation and checkout the donation as well as the tickets and registration in one transaction.

So, many organizations end up creating a separate, not-integrated donation system and the potential donor has to pay for their tickets or registration first, and then proceed to the donation page to make a donation and pay again.

Just imagine you could have asked the buyer if they want to add donation as they are purchasing their tickets and they could have added the donation in one-click and pay all together in one transaction.

Well, Ticketor makes this seamless and with no friction.

Besides that, donors can only pay donations without purchasing tickets or registration.

The donor can also choose to make monthly recurring donations.

Add a Donation (cause) page

You may already have a donation page in your top navigation. If you do, you can simply click on the link in the navigation to go to the page and customize the donation.

Otherwise, or if you want to add more donation causes, go to Control Panel > Account and Settings > Pages and Navigations.

Click on the “Add Item” on the main navigation or as a sub-item of the current navigation items. Then add a “Donation page” and set a title for the page.

Optionally, you can choose to hide the page from the main navigation and only link to the page from the site content or share it from your social media, newsletter or other sites.

If you want the page to show in the navigation, you can use drag & drop to re-order pages.

Click on the link to the donation page to go to the page.

Using this page, donors can read and learn about the cause, choose a pre-set or custom amount to donate and pay for the donation individually or along with other tickets, merchandise or gift-cards that your site offers.

Customize the donation page

When you are on the donation page, click on the gear icon at the top.

It will open a rich text editor, where you can explain your cause, upload pictures and add videos.

It also allows you to define the pre-set values.

Add donation to the purchase flow

To encourage buyers to add donation as part of their purchase, you need to add it to the pre-checkout page.

The donation can either be added to pre-checkout page for certain events (if the donation is related to those events) or it can be added to the pre-checkout page for your site so it is offered as part of the purchase for any event or merchandise.

  • To add the donation to certain events, edit the event and from the Details tab > Pre-checkout section, add the donation.
  • To add the donation to your whole site, go to Control Panel > Account & Settings > Site Settings > Pre-checkout section and add the donation there.

Note: You can also add other events, merchandise or gift card to the pre-checkout page to promote them.

How does it work for the buyer / donor?

  1. The buyer / donor, can easily go to the donation page, add a pre-set amount or custom amount to their shopping cart and check it out individually or along with other tickets, merchandise or gift cards.
  2. If the buyer is purchasing tickets or merchandise, before checking out, the system suggests to them to consider making a donation. The buyer can skip the offer or they can add a pre-set or custom amount to their shopping cart and check them out together with their tickets and merchandise.

Sharing, promoting or adding to a website

When you are on the donation page, you can simply copy the link to that page from the browser’s address-bar.

Then you can share the link on social media, emails, website, etc.

You can also embed the donation page into any website. It can be done as a button, pop-up or embedded as iframe or WordPress shortcode. To do so, use the “Control Panel > Account & Settings > Embed” to get the code to add to your website.

To get more information and to view the buyer and admin experience please check out this article

Learn about motivating your sponsors and giving them great value in this link

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow

Collect donations and increase donation volume by adding donation collection to the checkout flow