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Partners, Payment Processors and 3rd Parties

  • Stripe is an easy to get payment processor. It is available in many countries at no monthly or setup fees. It works in many countries and many currencies and you can charge in multiple currencies using a single account.

    Check here for supported countries and supported currencies

    Get more information and sign up for an account here

  • Square is an easy-to-get payment processor that is available in the US and some other countries. Each Square account can only work in 1 currency. They offer immediate, online approval at no monthly and setup fee.

  • PayPal is an easy to get payment processor. It is available in many countries at no monthly or setup fees. It works in many countries and many currencies and you can charge in multiple currencies using a single account.

    Check here for supported countries and supported currencies

    Get more information and sign up for an account here

  • Braintree payments is a payment processor. It is available in many countries at no monthly or setup fees. It works in many countries and many currencies.

    Check here for supported countries and supported currencies

    Get more information and sign up for an account here

  • is a payment gateway, compatible with most merchant accounts in US and some other countries. If you already have a merchant account in US that you want to keep, you can ask your merchant provider for an account to be able to use your merchant account with Ticketor.You can get a payment processor compatible with and at low rate at:

  • CenPos (Bahamas & Caribbean)Users located in Bahamas & Caribbean, can use this payment processor with emulator

  • Customers based in India can sign up and use a PayU account to accept charges in INR and also to accept local payment methods.

  • Users located in UAE, Egypt, Oman, Jordan and KSA can use PayTabs as their payment processor and will be able to accept money in their local currency and using their own local banks.

* The information provided here is as of the last updated date of this page and may have been inaccurate or changed ever since. Make sure to contact each 3rd party for the most recent and accurate information. Ticketor is not affiliated with any company mentioned above and cannot be hold responsible for their practice.

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