Ticketor - Creating and managing venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Venue is the physical location where your event happens. It usually has a name, address and time zone. If the venue is for an assigned seat event, such as an amphi-theater or a ballroom with round dinner tables, then it also has a seating chart.

Venues are reusable. Meaning that many events can use the same venue.

You can have as many venues as you need.

You can create and manage venues from "Control Panel > Events & Venues > Venues". On this page, you see a list of your venues, and you can create a new venue.

In the list, click on the icon to edit the venue, or on the to design the seating chart for assigned seat events.

Important notes:

The most important field when creating a venue is the "time zone". All times such as event time, sales start date and sales end date, are based on the venue time zone.

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues

Creating and Managing Venues