Ticketor - Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Reviews help your business grow and get more customers. It is an essential part and asset of any business. It also allows your customers to voice their satisfactions or dissatisfactions and so improve your overall performance.

In the technology era, reviews are not optional anymore. Customers can review any business on public sites like Google and Yelp, regardless of the business participation in those sites.

Why Ticketor's Reviews is the most fair and friendly reviews system to businesses and how can it improve and protect your business:

While most free review systems like Google or Yelp and some paid systems allow reviews from non-customers and potentially fake or hostile individuals and competitors, and offer no way for the business to dispute a fake or hostile review, Ticketor reviews is fully integrated into your ticketing system and allows reviews only from verified buyers.

The Reviews system will ask and encourage the verified buyers to leave you reviews, while dis-allowing anonymous reviews. The reviews show up on Google and other sites and give you additional credibility.

Our reviews are manageable and you can remove un-wanted reviews at a small fee, to keep the reviews fair.

Having a controllable reviews system will create a place for unhappy customers to express their feedback and frustration and significantly reduces the chances of them leaving you a bad review on public reviews sites that are not controlled by you and the bad reviews will stay with your business forever.

The reviews system can potentially reduce the chance of chargebacks and disputes, by allowing the unsatisfied patron to express their unsatisfaction through the reviews channel.

While most reviews systems come at a considerable monthly fee and do not fully integrate with your ticketing or e-commerce system, our review system is free and fully integrates with your system and events, to only accept reviews for verified buyers and for the events that they actually purchased.

The review request email goes out right at the time of the event for most efficiency and response rate.

What about bad reviews?

While good reviews help grow your business, bad reviews can hurt the business. The rule of thumb in resolving a bad review is to try to contact the reviewer and resolve the issue. Unlike with other review sites where the reviewer is unknown or may be fake, reviewers on Ticketor are your real customers and so you have access to their contact information.

We understand that some reviewers are unreasonable and unfair and not willing to resolve the issue. To make the system fair to the business, you have the option to delete the unfair review permanently.

While Ticketor's Review system is free, deleting a review comes at a fee. The fee is there to ensure that the reviews are as honest and fair as possible.

How much does it cost?

While most reviews systems come at a considerable monthly fee and do not fully integrate with your ticketing or e-commerce system, Ticketor's review system is free and you can opt in or out at any time from "Control Panel > Account & Settings > Site Settings > Reviews"

The fee for deleting a review starts at $35 for the first review that gets deleted in a year, and goes up by $20 for any subsequent review that gets deleted in the one year interval.

Manageable Reviews

'Manageable reviews' is a package that can be added at a monthly fee from Control Panel > Account & Settings > Plans & Features. The package allows you to delete 2 reviews per calendar month at no fee.

Enhanced Reviews

Enhanced Reviews is available for a small monthly fee and it gives you a 2-week window to approve each new or updated review, before they become publicly available.

If you approve the review, it will become publicly available right away. Otherwise, you have 2 weeks to contact the reviewer and resolve the bad review or delete the review.

Enhanced reviews, make sure you get a chance to deal with any potential bad review, before it becomes available to the public.

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Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)

Get Reviewed (Avoid bad reviews)