How to create seated events with social distancing, online events, outdoor events or events with time-slots due to COVID19


Events with social-distancing - Online events - Outdoor events due to covid19

1- Events with Safe Social Distancing

If you are required to enforce safe distancing in your event, Ticketor provides all tools you may need.

This section assumes you are familiar with creating events on Ticketor. If not, click here to learn about Creating an event on Ticketor

Tips on Creating Events with Safe Distancing Due to COVID-19

Event seating chart with social distancing due to covid19

General Admission Events

If your event is general admission, all you have to do is to reduce your Price Level's capacity to ensure that you are not selling tickets over what your venue can accommodate considering the safe distancing.

Assigned Seat Events

If your event is assigned seat with an amphitheater style seating or a round-table (dinner style) seating, you may need to add some empty seats between each attending party.

To do so go to the 'Edit Event' page for the event, go to 'Tickets Tab' and set the 'Seats between each party' to the number of seats you need to leave between each party to adhere to safe distancing. When the buyer tries to purchase the tickets, the system will consider those extra seats and automatically enforce that while helping the buyer in selecting their seats.

If you need to leave vacant rows between parties, for example, you want to leave one row vacant after each row, simply do not add tickets for those rows. In other words, add tickets to row 1 and 3 but don't add tickets to row 2 and 4.

For detailed information and video on creating events with automated social distancing for different types of events including theater style, round-table, timed events, online events or general admission, check out: How to create seated events with automated social distancing

Capacity Cap

In all type of events, you can specify a maximum capacity to ensure not more than certain number of tickets are sold across all the price levels and regardless of the seating arrangement.

To do so go to the 'Edit Event' page for the event, go to 'Tickets Tab' and set the 'Capacity Cap' to the maximum number of tickets you want to sell.

Sample Events to Demonstrate the Features

  • Click here to view / test purchasing tickets to an event in a concert hall with social distancing: Purchase Test Tickets
  • Click here to view / test reserving seats for a free event (church service) with social distancing: Reserve Free Tickets

2- Online events

Online events, classes, conferences, movies, … including both “live” or “on-demand” have become very popular and in high demand especially due to pandemic.

Besides the events, you may have videos that you may want to monetize and let people pay to watch for certain time.

It is important that your ticketing platform gives you the flexibility to use the streaming platform of your choice and not limit you to their own or certain streaming platform that may be costly or does not have the proper quality, features or scale.

You can use Ticketor for your ticketing and admission and you can use any streaming platform of your choice, free or paid, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Zoom, …

Ticketor makes is easy to securely and effortlessly sell tickets and control admission for your online events.

For detailed instruction and video on creating online events, live or on-demand, check out: How to create ticketed online event (live streaming or on-demand) or monetize your videos

3- Timed-events (events with time-slots)

Ticketor also supports recurring events with time-slots that allows you to limit the number of attendees to certain number per time-slot. It is a perfect solution for drive-through events, admission to an attraction or cinema, class registration or reserving a ride, tour or activity.

How to create recurring events, classes or booking system with time-slots, using Ticketor

4- Outdoor Events

Considering the COVID-19 situation, it may be safer and less restricted to move the events outdoor, in a parks or an open area.

Taking the events outside of the theaters and auditoriums with standard pre-defined seating charts, requires a ticketing system that allows you to build any custom seating chart in a timely and economic manner

Ticketor's state-of-the-art Seating Chart Designer Tool, allows you to build any seating chart including the theater-style, round-table, night-club style or any combination of them, in minutes and for free.

Take advantage of this valuable feature and consider planning outdoor events to combat the COVID19 restrictions.

Our Dedication and Success

We are dedicated to continue to quickly respond to and provide the features that may be required to re-open events around the world and our success in this matter is attributed to our agile and flexible, in-house engineering and design team.

Our goal is to make sure our clients have all the features and tools required to re-open and that they are among the firsts to re-start their events.

Please let us know if you have any specific requirements.