Miracle Minded, Inc Reviews

Miracle Minded, Inc


4.8 / 5.0 based on 15 reviews

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

 WOW! What an amazing adventure! Patrick's gift of story-telling truly shined in this performance! We laughed, we cried, we cheered! He also offered some great takeaways and life lessons that I will carry with me for a lifetime!

Dec 08, 2023
by: Samantha Skelly

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

   Patrick is such a gift to this world! This show was so entertaining, inspiring, relatable, moving and gripping. His life has been such an amazing journey, and yet, he makes it so relatable to everyone's life. I saw his one man show Man 1 Bank 0 about 9 years ago, and he was absolutely amazing then. This show feels like such a beautiful extension of that story, and I feel so honored to have been able to see it.

Dec 06, 2023
by: Jennifer Cervantes

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

   Patrick was entertaining, moving, made me laugh and cry. Great show!

Dec 05, 2023
by: Nica Larucci

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

 The entire show was spectacular but I have to highlight the last ten minutes. It was hands down the most inspirational ten minutes of live entertainment in my life. Everyone in my group felt the exact same way. This was a next level accomplishment by the writer and actor Patrick Combs. I’ll never forget it.

Dec 05, 2023
by: Eric Lochtefeld

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

   Omg, this was such an incredible show. Patrick's story was amazing, courageous, funny, and inspiring. I am so glad I got to see it. If you get a chance to see this show you will love it. -David Steel

Dec 05, 2023
by: David Steel

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

   Last night, I got to witness the end of an incredible bliss journey, and was it ever inspiring to be there and celebrate my friend Patrick’s one man show called “Trying to Break a Leg.” I am on a bliss journey myself with writing my book. I hope to see my culmination in the next couple of months. I haven’t talked much about my journey other than a few posts here and there. One thing that really inspired me about Patrick’s journey was how

Dec 04, 2023
by: Shari Aldrich

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

Dec 04, 2023
by: Denise Davidson

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

 Patrick Combs one man show “Trying to Break a Leg” turned out to be an unexpected gift of the season. It’s extremely well done entertaining funny and inspiring in ways we hadn’t even anticipated. We saw the show on our way home from Las Vegas after going to the U2 concert at the sphere And we’re going on very little sleep. Patrick grabbed us, pulled us in and turned out to be the perfect uplifting ending to an epic weekend. I highly recommend you see this show!

Dec 03, 2023
by: Cliff Pia

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

Dec 02, 2023
by: Sean Bartlett

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

 Vulnerable and powerful. An authentic and real unveiling of Patrick's inner journey through a trying rollercoaster ride to fulfill his dream. A journey to becoming himself. Patrick is so real it's wild to witness and such an inspiration for the rest of us. I will see the show again.

Dec 02, 2023
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

  Awesome show! Patrick's mastery shines through not just his performance but the structure of his show and it's powerful message. Best one-person show I've seen to date, and I've seen a few! Chris Howard

Dec 02, 2023
by: Chris Howard

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

 The 2nd half came together in a way that didn't in the 1st, which felt really rough. I appreciate Patrick coming back to his mom—the anchor for me in staying engaged. I also appreciate the message of pronoia and believing in oneself and the universe. Much of the monologue felt more "tell" than "show," so it felt repetitive and long. I loved the slides Patrick shared at the end and wish those were the visuals projected instead of the illustrations, which didn't

Dec 01, 2023
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

 This show is a MUST SEE!! We laughed, were moved to tears, & left feeling inspired. Patrick showed great vulnerability sharing his personal story of the creative process, overcoming the negative talk, internally & externally, to follow his calling. NEVER give up on your dreams.

Dec 01, 2023
by: Carlos Vega

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

   Gutsy, personal, sharing inner demons, and how challenging it is to do something creative that you are passionate about. Didn't think it needed to be as long as it was. First act was a downer. 2nd act more uplifting, tying it together. Just needs some tightening up. Fewer toilet flushes. The art was beautiful. Patrick really cares about the audience following our passions.

Dec 01, 2023
by: Rita Mooney

Review your experience with Patrick’s new show

Sep 25, 2023
by: Matthew Delaney
Reviews source: Reviews for Miracle+Minded%2c+Inc

Trying to Break A Leg


4.7 / 5.0 based on 15 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

 The event itself was lovely. Such an intimate theater space really allowed us, the audience, to become immersed in the world Patrick had created.

Dec 08, 2023
by: Samantha Skelly

How did you like the event?

   This space was great. I felt up close and personal with Patrick, and it made me even more engrossed with his storytelling.

Dec 06, 2023
by: Jennifer Cervantes

How did you like the event?

   I loved the show! Patrick is super talented, REAL, entertaining and funny!1

Dec 05, 2023
by: Nica Larucci

How did you like the event?

   The event was particularly well run. All the venue staff were very friendly. Things ran on time. The audience was so friendly. I met several new friends. I could not have had a better experience.

Dec 05, 2023
by: Eric Lochtefeld

How did you like the event?

   It was a really fun night.

Dec 05, 2023
by: David Steel

How did you like the event?

   Fantastic! Great energy in the crowd. There was laughter and tears.

Dec 04, 2023
by: Shari Aldrich

How did you like the event?

Dec 04, 2023
by: Denise Davidson

How did you like the event?

 The black box venue was the perfect size to see this show but I hope it continues to run in other locations.

Dec 03, 2023
by: Cliff Pia

How did you like the event?

  This was SUCH a fun time. I would love to see another show of Patrick's and will definitely be attending the next one!

Dec 02, 2023
by: Sean Bartlett

How did you like the event?

Dec 02, 2023
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

 Awesome show! Patrick's mastery shines through not just his performance but the structure of his show and it's powerful message. Best one-person show I've seen to date, and I've seen a few! Chris Howard

Dec 02, 2023
by: Chris Howard

How did you like the event?

   Interesting concept. Well executed. Never give up was a great message that fit well with motivational speaking.

Dec 01, 2023
by: Susan Gembrowski

How did you like the event?

 It sounds like Patrick's friends in the audience really enjoyed the content, but as a stranger, I found myself wondering where I would trim the monologue. I really enjoyed the clips I saw of "Man 1, Bank 0," and would have loved to see the polished storytelling, and the suspense and intrigue that earned Patrick awards at the SF Fringe Festival and to land a performance at HBO.

Dec 01, 2023
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

  The City Heights Performing Annex was a perfect, intimate, venue for this show.

Dec 01, 2023
by: Carlos Vega

How did you like the event?

   A fine venue for the show. Lovely audience.

Dec 01, 2023
by: Rita Mooney
Reviews source: Reviews for Trying+to+Break+A+Leg