Patrick Combs returns to the stage with a new one-person show, 10 years after retiring his global, smash-hit comedy "Man 1, Bank 0." (Man 1 toured 8 countries, was presented 400+ times, and garnered top comedy and theater awards).*


The question everyone is asking... "What is Trying to Break a Leg" about?


Prepare to be hilariously heartbroken in this one-person theater spectacle! Patrick relates his year-long rollercoaster of dreams and disastrous attempts at creating his first theater show that’ll leave you laughing through tears.

   Patrick is determined to craft the masterpiece of the century, but be warned, it’s a comedy of errors that’ll keep you in stitches. He is a guy with more ambition than talent, and a stubbornness to rival a mule’s.

   Watch in awe as he battles a terrible script, awful performances, and a lack of theater knowledge that sabotage his every move. Witness the audacity as he refuses to throw in the towel, even when his “comedic monologue” has nobody laughing.

   From failed performances to soul-crushing obstacles, Patrick’s new show is a masterclass in the art of failing forward. His sheer persistence, though often painful to watch, becomes the stuff of legend. It’s a lesson in the resilience of the human spirit and a reminder that sometimes, it’s the journey, not the destination, that truly matters.

   Will Patrick succeed to reach his dream?

   Brace yourself for an evening of side-splitting misadventures, poignant setbacks, and a hero who can’t be stopped, no matter how hard he tries. Get ready to laugh, cry, and be inspired by the comedic courage of Patrick refusing to give up on his dream, no matter how comically calamitous the journey.


*(Patrick's show, "Man 1, Bank 0," toured 8 countries, was presented 400+ times, garnered top comedy and theater awards, and had sell out performances at prestigous theaters such as

  • Comedy Central State in Los Angeles,
  • Lambs Theater, Off-Broadway,
  • Soho Grand Theater in London's West End,
  • Olympia Theater in Dublin,
  • Canadian Stage in Toronto, 
  • Blumenthal Theater in Charlotte,
  • and runs at Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal,
  • HBO's Comedy Festival in Aspen,
  • New Zealand Comedy Festival in Auckland,
  • UNO Festival in Victoria, BC,
  • Single File Festival in Chicago,
  • Piccolo Spoleto Festival in Charleston.