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PATRICK COMBS (actor, director, co-writer, and producer)

Patrick is a renowned solo show performer. This is his third solo-show. He has toured the world for three decades entertaining live audiences. He is also the author of five books, including one that was the basis for his smash-hit show, "Man 1, Bank 0," and another, "When You Are Bursting," which is a collection of stories from his life. Patrick has been featured in the media extensively, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The Financial Times, and on shows including The Late Show, Good Morning America, ABC Nightly News, NBC Nightly News, and The View. His radio appearances include NPR, Coast to Coast with Art Bell, and the BBC.


JENNIFER COBURN ("passionate show advocate")

Jennifer Coburn is the principal of Coburn Communications, a local PR agency that specializes in San Diego media relations. When she is not on the phone gvelling about the great work of her clients, she writes historical novels, including the Cradles of the Reich and the forthcoming Girls of the Glimmer Factory. Jennifer volunteers with So Say We All, a live storytelling organization, where she is a performer, producer, and performance coach. She is thrilled to be part of Patrick's latest one-man phenomenon. Since meeting Patrick, Jennifer has attempted to deposit several promotional checks and has been sorely disappointed that she hasn't experienced Patrick's success.


POLLY BRACONI (Patrick's Fitness Trainer)

During the pandemic, Patrick became too much like "Fat Thor" and was far from physically ready to perform a show. Polly, a weight and wellness trainer stepped into get Patrick in "show shape." As a trainer, she is best known for her gym phrase, "Keep going, you can breathe later!"


DEAN S. (Executive Producer)