Rock River Repertory Theatre Reviews

Rock River Repertory Theatre


4.4 / 5.0 based on 26 reviews

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   The people selling tickets at the door were very nice.

Sep 24, 2023
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   Tickets were easy to purchase. Great performance

Aug 22, 2023
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

  I've seen plays on Broadway and internationally that weren't on par with this performance. The blocking was beautiful. The set was absolutely gorgeous and the performances from the star to the dancers were fantastic. It was so beautiful. It could really be a tour. It was amazing.

Aug 22, 2023
by: Shanna Hullaby

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   Very talented people

Aug 21, 2023
by: Rita Feirn

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

  The on-line and face to face experience with ticket sales was top notch. Those who worked behind the scenes and assisted in the lobby were especially welcoming and friendly.

Aug 21, 2023
by: Connie Tronnes

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 21, 2023
by: Merissa Marx

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   An excellent experience!The band was most talented and the perfomers were of a very high standard of singing and acting.The sets and costumes were so appropriate for setting the mood of the " divine decadence" of Weimar Germany.The period art work and other images that were projected added to the atmosphere,especially at the dramatic end of the musical.All of the lead singers showed professional preparation and dramatic expertise A very memorable experience!

Aug 21, 2023
by: Carol Lancaster

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

     Absolutely NO communication.

Aug 21, 2023
by: J. Michael Bruno

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre


Aug 21, 2023
by: Roger Neitzel

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 21, 2023
by: Jayne Ruchti

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 21, 2023
by: Kathy Raisbeck

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 21, 2023
by: Jim Fischer

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 20, 2023
by: Steven Olson

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 20, 2023
by: Gregory Peters

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 20, 2023
by: Karen Oldenburg

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   Easy to obtain tickets, greeters helpful & pleasant.

Aug 19, 2023
by: Paula Flaherty

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

       Easy to buy tickets, great venue.

Aug 14, 2023
by: Karen Fowdy

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   This play illustrates how very easy it is to marginalize a community of people and eventually exterminate them (or at least attempt to). It is timely in our current environment and underlines how scary things are and how they could so easily spiral out of control. As for the play, the Emcee stole the show. He was fabulous. All the other actors were top-notch. The casting was wonderful. I could not imagine one change that would have made it better. Congratulations!

Aug 13, 2023
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

 Enthralled by the talent, but not a fan of the decadence as presented. If not for the talent presented, we may have left. It was a last minute thought to attend when our evening plans fell through.

Aug 13, 2023
by: Gregg Hegle

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

   Very professional actors, set design, etc. Being new in the area, this is the first time that I have seen Rock River Rep Theater.

Aug 13, 2023
by: Vicki Martin

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 13, 2023
by: Catherine Raynor

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 13, 2023
by: Arthur Altbuch

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 12, 2023
by: Tyler Jung

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 12, 2023
by: Colleen Sue

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 01, 2023
by: Anita Nylund

Review your experience with Rock River Repertory Theatre

Aug 19, 2023
by: James DLYNN
Reviews source: Reviews for Rock+River+Repertory+Theatre



4.5 / 5.0 based on 8 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?


Aug 22, 2023
by: Shanna Hullaby

How did you like the event?

   The caliber of acting was equity level. The enthusiastic audience was rewarded with an outstanding performance that was exciting, fresh and professional. Bravo and thank you

Aug 21, 2023
by: Connie Tronnes

How did you like the event?

   I appreciate how the show was updated to include references to alternate lifestyles,prejudices that we still deal with, and contemporary politics.We are still dealing with intolerance and repression a century after this musical takes place.Congratulations to the director for her efforts to keep this show relevant .The cast should be most proud of what the ensemble accomplished!

Aug 21, 2023
by: Carol Lancaster

How did you like the event?

     Did NOT attend

Aug 21, 2023
by: J. Michael Bruno

How did you like the event?


Aug 21, 2023
by: Roger Neitzel

How did you like the event?

Aug 21, 2023
by: Jayne Ruchti

How did you like the event?

Aug 21, 2023
by: Kathy Raisbeck

How did you like the event?

Aug 21, 2023
by: Jim Fischer
Reviews source: Reviews for CABARET



5.0 / 5.0 based on 2 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Amazing! They did a great job recreating the atmosphere of 1920s Berlin.

Aug 20, 2023
by: Gregory Peters

How did you like the event?

Aug 20, 2023
by: Karen Oldenburg
Reviews source: Reviews for CABARET



5.0 / 5.0 based on 5 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Great performance!!

Aug 22, 2023
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

   Excellent performance

Aug 21, 2023
by: Rita Feirn

How did you like the event?

Aug 19, 2023
by: Paula Flaherty

How did you like the event?

     Excellent cast and performance but waaaaay too long!! We left @ intermission because there is no way we could last through the 2nd half. We are a healthy, young, vibrant couple, just needed to get home to bed, we were not prepared for a 3 hour + show.

Aug 19, 2023
by: James DLYNN

How did you like the event?

Aug 19, 2023
by: Julie Morris
Reviews source: Reviews for CABARET



4.7 / 5.0 based on 3 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

 My daughter loved the show and we all thought the acting and music was well done. I went with my daughter, son, sister, and brother-in-law. The presentation was a little too overtly risqué for me and the LGBTQ+ narrative felt overdone (in your face).

Sep 24, 2023
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Aug 13, 2023
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Aug 13, 2023
by: Catherine Raynor
Reviews source: Reviews for CABARET



4.7 / 5.0 based on 7 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

    Fantastic production! The stage setting (especially the projected art), the MUSIC in the pit (!!), costumes, make-up, choreography, and more were all a part of this outstanding performance of my very favorite musical. The casting and performers were outstanding. I will remember the name of the incredibly talented young actor, Nolan Limones, so I can follow his path to stardom and be able to say someday, "I saw him when he was the Emcee in a regional repertory company!"

Aug 14, 2023
by: Karen Fowdy

How did you like the event?

   This is an awesome production. I think the next time we see either of the 2 leads it will be in a broadway touring show! I enjoyed the very clever way we saw the Kit Kat Club before it opened! The art of this period was also interesting.

Aug 13, 2023
by: Vicki Martin

How did you like the event?

Aug 13, 2023
by: Arthur Altbuch

How did you like the event?

   The music far exceeded my highest expectations!

Aug 12, 2023
by: Mary MacPherson

How did you like the event?

Aug 12, 2023
by: Colleen Sue

How did you like the event?

   The show was amazing. Hats off to the entire artistic team!!!!

Aug 12, 2023
by: Lisa Furseth

How did you like the event?

Aug 13, 2023
by: Gregg Hegle
Reviews source: Reviews for CABARET