Upcoming events by: Calluna Nutrition



Join My Workshop Here!


Are you ready for summer holidays?

  • Social gatherings (and lonliness).
  • Eating ice cream (with a dash of inner conflicts).
  • Staying at hotels (unlimited access to food).
  • Enjoying the beach (feeling uncomfortable)

Does this sound familiar?


What if you could create a healthy and solid eating habits once and for all?

Get the tools and resources to maintain your healthy habits during summer holidays

- and beyond!


It's time to say goodbye to holiday weight gain, and hello to a summer filled with good food and peace of mind! And I'll be with you every step of the way!


How It Works:

  • You'll receive 3 pre-recorded webinars with workbooks to each one, helping you take action.
  • In between the webinars I'll be having live Q&As to answer all questions you may have or have sent me in advance.
  • Everything happens in a private Facebook Group so you can meet like-minded people and learn from eachother's exerperiences - this is gold!
  • I'll extend the access to the Facebook group for the rest of the month, because I know that questions usually comes to mind a few days after such workshops have ended. So feel free to use it wisely whilst you can!

To summarise it all, the schedule looks like this:

Monday 17.6:

Video 1: "Building a Solid Foundation + Workbook"

Tuesday 18.6:

Live Q&A with Tine (in the Facebook Group)

Wednesday 19.6:

Video 2: "Healthy Snacking, Managing Cravings & Meal Planning Tips"

Thursday 20.6: 

Live Q&A with Tine (in the Facebook Group)

Friday 21.6:

Video 3: "Staying Motivated and Sustainable Habits for Long-Term Results"

Monday 24.6:

Live Q&A with Tine (in the Facebook Group)


What to Bring:

  • A notebook and pen
  • Any questions or topics you're curious about
  • A positive attitude and readiness to learn

Please join our private Facebook group to connect with fellow participants, share tips, and stay updated on workshop details, and of course join the live Q&As ;) 


Preparation Tips:

  1. Reflect: Think about your current eating habits and any challenges you face.
  2. Set Goals: Consider what you hope to achieve by attending this workshop.
  3. Stay Open-minded: Be ready to embrace new ideas and strategies.

Should you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to me at tine@callunanutrition.com

I hope you're as excited as I am to get this workshop started! See you soon!


Looking forward seeing you inside!


Tine Nyland, Calluna Nutrition

Lifestyle Nutritionist


