Upcoming events by: www.wevodaudancecenter.com


Wevodau Dance Center is proud to present "Reawakening".  Join us for our annual recital and celebrate all of our students accomplishments!

All tickets this year will be $12.00 per ticket.

Everyone ages 3 years old and up will need to purchase a ticket. **

If you are attending both shows (2:00pm and 7:00pm) you will need a separate ticket for each.*


You will be able to purchase tickets online until the day before the show.  We will also have tickets available for purchase at both rehearsal nights and at the door the day of the show.


*If you have a student that is required to perform in both shows, you are eligible for a discount ticket for attending the 2nd show (limit 2). To receive this discount please purchase ALL tickets you need for both shows, then bring your printed tickets to the office.  The business managers will then credit your account and you will receive the discount as a rebate towards your June Tuition.


**If you have signed up with the office as a helper for one of the 2 shows you are also eligible for a discounted ticket for the other show you are not helping with.  You must sign up with the office and provide your clearances to be a helper. You will need to purchase ALL of your tickets for the show you are attending and then bring your printed tickets to the office. The business managers will then credit your account and you will receive the discount as a rebate towards your June Tuition (limit 1).


Wheelchair Accessible Seating is available in the designated sections.





Reawakening 7:00pm
Wevodau Dance Center Recital 2017

Mechanicsburg Middle School - Pennsylvania 1750 S. Market Street Mechanicsburg PA 17055

www.wevodaudancecenter.com wevodaudancecenter Wevodau Dance Center

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Reawakening 2:00pm
Wevodau Dance Center 2017 Recital

Mechanicsburg Middle School - Pennsylvania 1750 S. Market Street Mechanicsburg PA 17055

www.wevodaudancecenter.com wevodaudancecenter Wevodau Dance Center

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