Based on the real-life Newsboy Strike of 1899, this Disney musical tells the story of Jack Kelly, a rebellious newsboy who dreams of a life as an artist away from the big city. After publishing giant Joseph Pulitzer raises newspaper prices at the newsboys’ expense, Kelly and his fellow newsies take action. With help from the beautiful female reporter Katherine Plumber, all of New York City soon recognizes the power of “the little man.”
COVID-19 PRECAUTIONS - please read
We take the health of our cast, staff and patrons very seriously. All involved must remain healthy for the show to go on.
Vaccinations are highly recommended but not required. However, the Playhouse and Limelight are public indoor spaces with patrons in close proximity to one another. SVCT requires, regardless of vaccination status, that all patrons must wear a mask inside the theater and theater lobby areas unless actively drinking or eating.
We count on our audience members to self-monitor. If you experience Covid-19 symptoms or receive a positive Covid-19 test, please alert our Box Office volunteers at and/or call 408-842- 7469 at least three (3) hours before curtain so we can exchange your tickets.
Thank you for your consideration.