إضافة المحتوى والصفحات إلى موقعك والتنقل العلوي

 When scheduling a meeting

1- Make sure that the correct Timezone is selected and pay attention to AM / PM

2- At the scheduled time, you must join the meeting in Zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2072661301?pwd=Vy9OSGI1TFE2WUlzWHBaTSsrT3kyQT09  

3- Any cancellation or reschduling should be done through the link you receive in the confirmation emails.

4- You can watch a full demo of Ticketor at https://www.ticketor.com/Account/Blog/TICKETOR-DEMO-Learn-Everything-About-Ticketor-Features-Setup-End-User-and-Admin-Experience . Watching this video before the meeting will make the meeting more productive and we can focus on your specific use-case and questions.

5- We respect our time and yours. If you do not show up for the meeting, you will be responsible for the no-show-up fee.