Stafford Township EMS Reviews

Stafford Township EMS


3.7 / 5.0 based on 15 reviews

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

 There was good help and support at the event. The music was nice and the facilities were clean and easily accessable.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

   Not helpful and didn’t organize event well at all

Mar 25, 2024
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Mar 24, 2024
by: Maria Barry

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

   Thank you Unfortunately the weather was not very good Well ran event ❤️

Mar 24, 2024
by: Debbie Young

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

 I think it would have been better if the weather wasn't so terrible, which is out of everyone's control. The DJ was great and it was well organized and attended by the EMS Squad themselves which is always great! Thank you for your work and effort

Mar 24, 2024
by: Brandon Duran

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Mar 24, 2024
by: Andre White

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Mar 24, 2024
by: Mary Ann Piazza

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Mar 24, 2024
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Mar 24, 2024
by: Susan Cole

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Mar 24, 2024
by: Janine Seeley

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

   Even though it was down pouring rain there was decent foot traffic throughout the event time.

Mar 24, 2024
by: Nancy Fitzgerald

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Jan 25, 2024
by: Alyssa Cirina

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Jan 21, 2024
by: Jean Brown

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Jan 17, 2024
by: Michele Grady

Review your experience with Stafford Township EMS

Jan 17, 2024
by: Phyllis Katz
Reviews source: Reviews for Stafford+Township+EMS

Spring 2024 Indoor Craft Fair - Vendor Registration


2.8 / 5.0 based on 11 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

 There was very little traffic at the event. I know the rain may have contributed. I saw very little on social media about the event. As a vendor we posted videos to get people to come. I did not see any signs on the street (near the event) to generated traffic. Maybe you need more engagement by members to post often on local social media for a few weeks prior and do some paper notifications/adds. The selection of vendors was good.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

   Disorganized, no advertising, didn’t limit the amount of type of crafts so there were 3 other crafters with the same type items as me out of maybe 45 total crafters. Ems workers didn’t help with setup and didn’t have food options for crafters. Had a whole set up of bagels for themselves only.

Mar 25, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

   We felt that more of the school should have been used to allow the vendors the 10 x 10 space they paid for. It was not fair to email them 11:30at night, which I never saw til you told me bc I was asleep by then.

Mar 24, 2024
by: Maria Barry

How did you like the event?

Mar 24, 2024
by: Debbie Young

How did you like the event?

 Not alot of customers but I feel that was because of the weather. The last minute change with the space size was upsetting but it was what it was. The volunteers were incredibly sweet and helpful

Mar 24, 2024
by: Andre White

How did you like the event?

   The event was as good aa could he expected on such a wretched rainy day. Please keep me posted on future events.

Mar 24, 2024
by: Mary Ann Piazza

How did you like the event?

   Everyone who ran the event was very nice and helpful but there were lots of repeat vendors and attendance was very low but that could've just been the rain hard to tell

Mar 24, 2024
by: Emily Perchaluk

How did you like the event?

   There was poor communication and apparently an email at 11pm the night before stating our paid spots were going to be sized down to a 6x6 from a 10x10 with no ability to change anything. It was something all the vendors had to adjust too without accomodation in a timely manner. We all paid for a certain size etc. and nothing was done about it. I would have bought enough spaces to fit my layout or passed on this event all together. There was no street signage etc,

Mar 24, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

   I was very disappointed at the reduced space the day of. We paid for 10 x 10 and only got 6 x 6. Some drafters bust their butt before the event to prepare and have enough items to fill their space. I did not complain the day of because we donated to stafford ems but a heads up in advance (before 11 pm) would be very appreciated

Mar 24, 2024
by: Nancy Fitzgerald

How did you like the event?

Mar 24, 2024
by: Cynthia Monderine

How did you like the event?

Mar 24, 2024
by: Susan Cole
Reviews source: Reviews for Spring+2024+Indoor+Craft+Fair+-+Vendor+Registration