Live To Play Reviews

Live To Play


4.2 / 5.0 based on 23 reviews

Review your experience with Live To Play

Review your experience with Live To Play

   The prizes were sweet!

Mar 20, 2024
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 18, 2024
by: Paul Schweitzer

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 18, 2024
by: Kara Brugman

Review your experience with Live To Play

   Easy to order and check in. I liked the facility.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Verified consumer

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Jill Anderson

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Ryan Anger

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Tyler Morse

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Rebecca Morrison

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Mary Hubbard

Review your experience with Live To Play


Mar 17, 2024
by: Richard Adair

Review your experience with Live To Play

   The films were ok this year but nothing spectacular. Way too much “agenda pushing” … “acknowledge you are on ancestral lands”, “must go green (all the while the athletes & filmmakers are taking long haul flights to hard to reach locations .., ugh hypocrite much?” Won’t go again. You’ve lost your connection to the audience while doubling down on your nonsense agenda.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Denise Logan

Review your experience with Live To Play

   We have attended Banff Film Festival for the last 15 years in Colorado. This year in our travels to Arizona we felt we couldn’t miss it. We were looking forward to a new venue in one of our favorite states. It was disappointing,one of the key films we couldn’t follow because you could only read half the subtitles the other part of the subtitles were cut off. It didn’t get resolved until the film was half way over.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Bill Simmons

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Kendra Nhep

Review your experience with Live To Play

  Appreciated reminders

Mar 17, 2024
by: Kay Pihl

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 17, 2024
by: Danny Larson

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 16, 2024
by: Marcia Corenman

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 16, 2024
by: Maria Nardella

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 16, 2024
by: Tiffany Cobb

Review your experience with Live To Play

   I found the platform to buy tickets a little clunky. I loved the content of the films!

Mar 16, 2024
by: Annie Gustafson

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 15, 2024
by: Richard Litman

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 15, 2024
by: Colette Davison

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 15, 2024
by: Mark Probst

Review your experience with Live To Play

Mar 09, 2024
by: Joan LaJoie
Reviews source: Reviews for Live+To+Play

Banff Mountain Film Festival - Saturday Night - Tempe


3.7 / 5.0 based on 15 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   Didn't care for the political films on Saturday. Not my kind of entertainment. We did enjoy the man who opened the evening with his insane ability with his para sail.

Mar 20, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

   Same uninspired opening and closure, but the films seemed to be more engaging.

Mar 18, 2024
by: Paul Schweitzer

How did you like the event?

 Lost a star due to projection issues and a not very communicative emcee

Mar 18, 2024
by: Kara Brugman

How did you like the event?

   I enjoyed most of the films but there weren’t enough extreme sports or endurance athletes. I enjoy the human interest and cultural stories but I miss the biking, kayaking or adventure racing stories. After 15+ years at the Denver banff film festival I’ve come to expect more variety.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Mar 17, 2024
by: Jill Anderson

How did you like the event?

Mar 17, 2024
by: Ryan Anger

How did you like the event?

   Worst Banff film festival I've ever seen. The fun is gone. Everything had to be inclusive or focused on environmental issues. Or old content.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Tyler Morse

How did you like the event?

 Overall, a good experience but there appeared to be communication issues. I don’t know if it was an issue from Banff/the filmmaker, or an issue with the AV tech, but the subtitles were cut off for a good portion of a film. It also seemed like poor communication from the movie theater hosting us that concessions would be closed at intermission. If this site continues to be used, I would start earlier so folks can access concessions at intermission or tell us when they close

Mar 17, 2024
by: Rebecca Morrison

How did you like the event?

Mar 17, 2024
by: Mary Hubbard

How did you like the event?


Mar 17, 2024
by: Richard Adair

How did you like the event?

     The films were ok this year but nothing spectacular. Way too much “agenda pushing” … “acknowledge you are on ancestral lands”, “must go green (all the while the athletes & filmmakers are taking long haul flights to hard to reach locations .., ugh hypocrite much?” Won’t go again. You’ve lost your connection to the audience while doubling down on your nonsense agenda.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Denise Logan

How did you like the event?

Mar 17, 2024
by: Kendra Nhep

How did you like the event?

     I would have liked to have known a little more about each film. Maybe an introduction to each filmmaker and the content of the film. I would also have liked brief intro on what is the Banff film festival. Good selection of films. Missed having river rafting!

Mar 17, 2024
by: Kay Pihl

How did you like the event?

   Films were not as good as they were the last time we attended in 2020. Also, during the 40 minute French film with subtitles we could not read what was being said due to the subtitles being outside the bottom of the screen and not visible for the first half of the film. An audience member had to go advise someone of the problem, but too much of what was said had been missed to really enjoy the production.

Mar 17, 2024
by: Danny Larson

How did you like the event?

Mar 17, 2024
by: Bill Simmons
Reviews source: Reviews for Banff+Mountain+Film+Festival+-+Saturday+Night+-+Tempe

Banff Mountain Film Festival - Friday Night - Tempe, Az


4.5 / 5.0 based on 11 reviews

How did you like the event?

How did you like the event?

   We really enjoyed the films.

Mar 20, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

 Not much energy or excitement from the host to start the show. He mentioned he has done it 23 times before and you could tell. Last film ends and no closure or thanks, just a blank screen.

Mar 18, 2024
by: Paul Schweitzer

How did you like the event?

   Ditto from Saturday

Mar 17, 2024
by: Verified consumer

How did you like the event?

Mar 17, 2024
by: Kendra Nhep

How did you like the event?

   Films not as interesting as some prior years. Event was nicely moderated by Paul Fish. Nice raffle too.

Mar 16, 2024
by: Marcia Corenman

How did you like the event?

   I enjoyed the films.

Mar 16, 2024
by: Maria Nardella

How did you like the event?

   Fun night. Looking forward to next year.

Mar 16, 2024
by: Tiffany Cobb

How did you like the event?

   The films made me tear up multiple times in the best way possible - people pushing their physical and psychic limits to LIVE fully!

Mar 16, 2024
by: Annie Gustafson

How did you like the event?

Mar 15, 2024
by: Richard Litman

How did you like the event?

Mar 15, 2024
by: Colette Davison

How did you like the event?

Mar 15, 2024
by: Mark Probst
Reviews source: Reviews for Banff+Mountain+Film+Festival+-+Friday+Night+-+Tempe%2c+Az