کریسمس امسال بزرگترین و مجلل ترین گردهمایی ایرانیان در لاس وگاس
شش شب خاطرهساز با ستارگان محبوب هنر ایراندر کریسمسی تکرارنشدنی
3.4 / 5.0 based on 5 reviews
Review your experience with Las Vegas 2024
Best ever! Well organized, great venue, price and variety of artists.
5.0 / 5.0 based on 1 reviews
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1.7 / 5.0 based on 3 reviews
I was sent an voucher by email after purchasing my package. The voucher had a barcode and qr code but the show venues didn't accept it. I reached out to the phone number and emailed. No one responded. I spoke with all hotel box offices but none knew where to get my tickets. An email stating that the pickup location for the tickets is in the Paris hotel at specific location was missing. Very misleading. Bad communication. This process would be easier wit
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