What better way to start off the winter season than with a movie night?
Join us for a showing of the two fantastic movies below. All proceeds from the event will go to Protect our Winters, Switzerland.
Here, Hold My Kid
A ski comedy film chronicling two professional female skiers who are trying to embrace new motherhood without missing a turn in their heart-stopping athletic careers. The two women, who are competitive by nature as they’ve built their professional status on podiums and award winning film segments, can’t help but develop a competitiveness with each other in the quest to becoming “the mom that can do it all.” From the pressures we bring upon ourselves to societal expectations, the characters will come at it with a hilarious, sometimes bordering on ridiculousness, take. With babies and husbands in tow, these two mothers are taking the ski industry by storm in a way that was never quite seen before. From exhaustion to laughter, discomfort to fun, this will be a movie to which anyone can relate regardless of their athletic prowess. The heart of this film is an homage to all the parents who have dragged their kids to the mountains “because skiing is a great way to spend time together".
The Polar Star – a Fifty Project Ski Film
The most remote classic of The FIFTY, The Polar Star is an iconic ski line. Set on the Arctic island of Baffin, the Polar Star Couloir is aesthetic, breath-taking couloir set among an island of ice, Polar Bears and towering granite walls. Joining up with Cody Townsend on his attempt to ski "The Fifty Classic Ski Descents of North America" is one of the world's best ski mountaineers and steep skiers, Vivian Bruchez. Though the goal of the journey is to ski The Polar Star, a plethora of steep, challenging and beautiful ski lines await in Baffin...and a lesson in just what makes Vivian one of the world's best, comes to light.