Ticketor - Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

You can create coupons (promotion codes) to give discount to the buyers.

To use this feature, use the Control Panel -> Events & Venues -> Coupons and create a new promotion.

Event: A promotion may apply to "all events" or "a specific event" or "a specific category (group) of the events". To make the coupon apply to a "specific category", you need to edit each event and in the category box, enter a category name. For example, edit all the desired events and add category "coupon1" to the category. Then in the promotion page, select the "Specific category" option and then enter "coupon1" in the "Event category" box.

Promotion code: Enter a unique promotion code in this box. this is the code that the user should enter on the checkout page to get the discount.

Automatically apply ...: If this check box is ticked, the coupon will automatically apply to all eligible purchases without the buyer entering the promotion code. This feature is useful in scenarios such as group pricing, where you give a certain discount to bigger groups or to create packages where the price is discounted when the buyer purchases all the events in the category.

Promotion type: Select the promotion type that best meets your requirements. If the "amount" or "percent" is selected, enter the amount or percentage.

Date range: Fill out the date range that the coupon is valid.

Must buy all the events that this coupon applies to: This option is mostly useful if the coupon applies to a category of the events and can be used to give discount if the buyer purchases all the events in the category. It can be used to create packages or seasonal prices.

Minimum purchase amount: You can specify the minimum monetary value of the invoice to be eligible for discount. For example, you can create coupons to only apply to purchases over $100

Minimum number of tickets: You can specify the minimum number of tickets in the invoice to be eligible for discount. For example, you can create coupons to only apply to purchases of over 20 tickets (group discount)

Maximum number of usage: You can specify how many times a coupon can be used by all the buyers. For example, you can create a coupon that works only for the first 10 buyers. Or you can create a coupon that can be used only once.

Adding Promotion Codes To the URL: You can add the promotion code to any URL of your site to make it automatically apply on the checkout page. This allows you to create links or even QR codes with certain promotion. Simply add the query string coupon=[the promotion word] to your URL.

For example: https://www.Ticketor.com?coupon=friends

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)

Coupons (Promotion codes)