Ticketor - Adding / updating tickets

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event


After creating your event, you need to define your pricing structure and add tickets for the event.

This is done in the "Add/Update Tickets" page. To get to the Add/Update tickets page, use the "Control Panel > Events & Venues > Events". Find the event in the list, and click on the icon. Alternatively, as a shortcut, if the event is showing up on your home page, you can hover your mouse over the event and use the "Add/Update Tickets" link.

Add/Update tickets page looks different if you are adding tickets to an assigned seat event vs a general admission event.

There is a Walk-through that pops up and guides you through the steps. Make sure to use it. You can always open the walk-through from the right side of the screen. Use the walk-through or continue to the section for your event type.

Add/Update Tickets Page for General Admission Events

Now that you have created your general admission event, you should define your pricing structure and set the capacity (maximum number of tickets) for each price level.

Price Level vs. Price Variation

Let's start with understanding 2 concepts.

  • Price levels: are prices for different areas of the venue or event that are limited by some capacity. Some examples are: General, VIP, Balcony
  • Price variations: Each price level, may have price variations. Price variations share the inventory (capacity) with the price level. For example, your $50 "General" price level, may have a $40 price variation for seniors and a $30 price variation for kids. It may also have a $35 price variation for early-birds that goes away on a certain date or a $30 group pricing where 10 or more tickets are purchased. Another example of the price variation could be "ticket + some additional item". For example, "+ 2 free drinks" or "+ a t-shirt" or "+ back-stage access"

Add Price Levels

Click on Add/Price Level to open the pop-up to create one.

Optionally, enter a name and description for the price level.

Examples for name are: General, Standing, balcony, VIP

Examples of the description could be "First-come-first-serve" or "Student id required"

Select a color for the price level. E-tickets will get printed in this color.

Face Price: Set the price for this price level.

Service Charge: Set the amount or percentage of the service charge. the service charge is the extra amount that the buyer pays for each ticket. It is usually used to cover ticketing and payment processing fees.

You are the one who collects and keeps the service charge amount.

You have full control to set the service charge to any amount you like. You can set it to zero or any amount.

Start / End Date: Price levels can have a start and end date. Normally and by default, they are set to start and end when the ticket sales starts or ends so you can centrally control that from the "Edit Event" page.

However, some price levels may make sense to start selling later or end selling earlier. For example, 'Early Bird' tickets may become un-available at a certain date.

Note that the price levels also respect the start/end date of the event and the start/end date of the price level must be equal or more limited than the start and end date set for the event otherwise the start and end date for the event will be considered.

Capacity: Set the maximum number of tickets you want to sell at this price level. The system will issue tickets up to the specified capacity.

Quantity Restrictions: You can specify the minimum, maximum and increment that the tickets can be purchased at. For example, if you are selling tables at a dinner event or night club, you may want to make people buy the whole table. in that case you can set the 'minimum' to 8 (table size). Or if you are selling tickets that are supposed to be purchased in pairs, you may want to set the minimum to 2 and increments to 2 so people can buy 2, or 4 or 6 tickets. This feature can be used to create group tickets, such as family tickets.

Save the Price Level to close the pop up.

List of Price Levels

The price level gets added to this table. You can edit it, delete it, or add price variations for it.

Edit the Price Level: You can always (even after some tickets are sold), edit the price level, change the prices or colors and edit the start/end date or the quantity restrictions.

Add/Manage Price Variations

You can add a Price Variation to the price level. Creating and editing price variations is very similar to price levels and they will show up in the same table.

Note that the price variations also respect the sales start/end date of the event.

The table at the bottom, displays the status of the tickets and number of tickets available.

Add/Update Tickets Page for Assigned Seat Events

Now that you have created your assigned-seat event, you should define your pricing structure and add tickets at a specific price level for each seat.


Make sure that your seating chart is complete before adding tickets. Adding tickets to the seating chart will lock certain changes to the seating chart.

Price Level vs. Price Variation

Let's start with understanding 2 concepts.

  • Price levels: are different prices you have for different areas of the seating chart. If you have 3 different prices, you need to create 3 price levels.
  • Price variations: Each price level, may have price variations. For example, your $50 price level, may have a $40 price variation for seniors and a $30 price variation for kids. It may also have a $35 price variation for early-birds that goes away on a certain date. Another example of the price variation could be "ticket + some additional item". For example, "+ 2 free drinks" or "+ a t-shirt" or "+ back-stage access"

Add Price Levels

Click on Add/Price Level to open the pop-up to create one.

Create only ONE price level per price. For example, if you have $50 seats in orchestra left and orchestra right sections, do NOT create 2 price levels.

Optionally, enter a name and description for the price level.

Examples for name are: Front, orchestra, balcony, VIP

Examples of the description could be "2 drinks included" or "Student id required"

Select a color for the price level. E-tickets will get printed in this color.

Face Price: Set the price for this price level.

Service Charge: Set the amount or percentage of the service charge. the service charge is the extra amount that the buyer pays for each ticket. It is usually used to cover ticketing and payment processing fees.

You are the one who collects and keeps the service charge amount.

You have full control to set the service charge to any amount you like. You can set it to zero or any amount.

Start / End Date: Price levels can have a start and end date. Normally and by default, they are set to start and end when the ticket sales starts or ends so you can centrally control that from the "Edit Event" page.

However, some price levels may make sense to start selling later or end selling earlier. For example, 'Early Bird' tickets may become un-available at a certain date.

Note that the price levels also respect the start/end date of the event and the start/end date of the price level must be equal or more limited than the start and end date set for the event otherwise the start and end date for the event will be considered.

Quantity Restrictions: You can specify the minimum, maximum and increment that the tickets can be purchased at. For example, if you are selling tables at a dinner event or night club, you may want to make people buy the whole table. in that case you can set the 'minimum' to 8 (table size). Or if you are selling tickets that are supposed to be purchased in pairs, you may want to set the minimum to 2 and increments to 2 so people can buy 2, or 4 or 6 tickets.

Save the Price Level to close the pop up.

List of Price Levels

The price level gets added to this table. You can edit it, delete it, or add price variations for it.

Edit the Price Level: You can always (even after some tickets are sold), edit the price level, change the prices or colors and edit the start/end date or the quantity restrictions.

Add/Manage Price Variations

You can add as many Price Variations to the price level. Creating and editing price variations is very similar to price levels and they will show up in the same table.

Note that the price variations also respect the sales start/end date of the event.

Editing Prices

Please note that editing a price level or variation, will affect all the tickets added at that price level. So if you want to raise the price of ALL $50 tickets to $60, even after the sales has started, you can simply edit the price level. However, to change the price level for some seats you should select those seats and use the "Update Tickets" button.

Adding Tickets

Now that price levels are created, we should add tickets for each seat. Tickets can be added and managed as granular as one ticket at a time, or in bulk as several rows or a full section at a time.

There are 2 methods to add, update or delete tickets.

Add, Update, Delete Tickets - Method 1

Using the top part of the page, you can select a 'Price Level', then select a range of seats and add tickets.

To add, update tickets using method 1, first select a price level.

Then select the section or table that you want to add tickets for. Then depending on the section type select the row range or seat range.

If the tickets are accessible (only allowed to be used by handicaps and their companions), tick the accessible box.

Accessible seats will show on the map as blue/white stripes.

If you want to block the seats, tick the block box

Blocked seats: Blocked seats cannot be purchased by regular users until you un-blocked them. However, administrators and sales agents with the permission to 'Sell blocked seats' can sell those seats. On the seating chart, blocked seats show as faded out to admin and sales agents, however they show as un-available to regular users.

Blocking can be used for several purposes. It can be used to temporarily make some seats un-available or reserve them for a potential buyer or you can block some seats and order physical tickets for them to sell offline in other outlets.

Then click on 'Add Tickets' to add those tickets to the seating chart. If all or some of the tickets already exist, you will get an error message and those tickets will not get re-added.

You can scroll down and verify the added tickets on the seating chart.

If the tickets already exist and you want to change their price level, you should use the 'Update Tickets' button.

Or use the 'Delete Tickets' to delete them.

To block or unblock tickets, or to change their accessible status, after selecting the seat range, use the "More Actions" menu.

Add, Update, Delete Tickets - method 2

Alternatively, you can add, update or delete tickets by clicking on a section, row, seat or table on the seating chart and selecting the proper option from the pop up.

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event

Adding / Updating Tickets for an Event