Ticketor - Question Manager (Asking questions from buyers)

Question Manager (Asking questions from buyers)

You can create questions to be asked from the buyer on the checkout page. Questions can be related to a specific event and be asked only from the buyers who buy that event (event questions) or can be general and be asked from all buyers (site questions). Event questions can be either asked per ticket or per invoice.

Example of event questions for a dinner event could be: What option do you prefer for dinner? Meat/Chicken/Fish/Vegetables. This question should be asked "per ticket" as each attendee may have different dinner preference.

Another event question example that should be asked "per invoice" could be: Who referred you to this event? Or How did you hear about this event? (TV/Radio/Facebook/Other)

Example of site questions could be: How did you hear about our site? or What type of events do you prefer to attend.

    Asking unnecessary questions during purchase may cause the buyer to abandon the sales and may result in business loss. Only ask questions if they are really necessary and they give value to the buyer.

Create questions

To create questions (both site and event) use Control Panel -> Account & Settings -> Question manager. This page is like your question bank. You will create and manage all type of questions here and later associate them with events or the site.

Enter the question, type of answer, and (optionally) a default value and specify if the answer is required. If answer required is ticked, the buyer cannot complete the purchase unless they answer the question or tick the check box.

Apply questions to event or site

After you create the questions, you can apply them to the whole site or specific events.

Site questions: To apply questions to the site, use the Control Panel -> Accounts & Settings -> Site Settings -> Options tab. In the questions section, type a few letters of the question, select it from the list and click on the Add question

Event questions: To apply questions to an event, Edit the event and go the Details tab. In the questions section, type a few letters of the question, select it from the list and click on the Add question

How to see the answers

The answer to the questions will be available in each individual invoice that can be accessed from Control Panel -> Events & Venues -> Sales & Invoices and will also be included in the confirmation email you receive.

You can also get a report of the answers in Control Panel > Reports > Sales & Invoices (checkout questions only), Control Panel > Reports > Admission list and Control Panel > Reports -> Detailed Admission list (Checkout, per event and per ticket questions)