معلومات الحدث

Sales / Business Dev Position Interview

التذاكر غير متوفرة بعد الآن في Ticketor. قد تتمكن من شراء التذاكر في المكان إذا كان ذلك متاحًا.

سياسه الارجاع:

كل عملية بيع نهائية، ما من عودة)

سياسة الاستبدال / الترقية:

لا تبادل

All times are in PACIFIC (PDT) time.

Earn up to 50%, long-term, residual income in your spare time at your home / office

Make more money in your spare time than what you make in your day job

Ticketor is building their global and regional sales team and uses this contract position as the first step for team building. Successful contractors may potentially receive full-time job offer for lead and management positions to build and lead the company’s sales team.


Job descríption at: https://www.ticketor.com/account/Careers


Please note that:

  • This position is fully remote with close to zero supervision and training on sales. You are expected to be dedicated and able to work on your own. You are expected to know sales and business development and come up with efficient strategies.


  • You will be trained on the product, and get full and great support on product, client onboarding and anything related to the product and customer support. Ticketor is known for excellent customer support and we make sure  your clients get the best support, while you focus on more sales.


Get ready for the interview (Interview cheat sheet):

  • Make yourself familiar with Ticketor. You will be asked to sell Ticketor to us during the interview. Spend some time on Ticketor.com , learn what we do, who our prospects are, the vertical and industries we service, make yourself familiar with the features, check out a demo client site at Ticketor.com/Demo .  


  • Have a strategy and some plan in mind. You will be asked what you would do on the first day of the job and how you would start. What industry or vertical you want to approach and how you would do that. 


  • The interview will be online through audio / video. Click on https://zoom.us/j/2072661301 at the scheduled time. Make sure you have your mic and camera ready.


For any questions or concerns, contact us at Jobs@ticketor.com






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