
Ticketor for your store, giftshop, bar, restaurant, concessions and for selling merchandise or services
  • You can use the Store functionality to create a page for your bar to sell beverages online, in-person at the POS or over the phone.
  • Users can order drinks on their phone and have it delivered to their seat in the theater or different areas of your venue such as the lobby, the lounge, conference room, Jacuzzi, pool, tennis court, etc. or they can pick it up at the bar.
    Your staff can use the POS page to accept in-person or over-the-phone orders and accept cash, or credit cards.
  • Your kitchen will receive the order as soon as they are placed and can prepare and handle them.
  • Food and drink can be ordered in-advance, or along with tickets, and have the order be post-dated for when the buyer arrives at the venue or other times. 
  • Food and drink availability can follow a schedule and items may be only orderable for those times. The schedules could be something like "Business Hours", "Kitchen Hours", "Lunch Hours", "During Events", etc.
  • Allowing the food and drink to be ordered in-advanced or online or by scanning a QR Code, will eliminate the line at your bar or food stand and significantly increase your sale.
  • Food and drink items can be added to the pre-checkout items, so the buyers are encouraged to order as they buy tickets
 QR Code to scan and order drinks using Ticketor 


Price: $9.00


Price: $8.00


Price: $6.00


Price: $6.00


Price: $7.00

Iced Teas

Price: $2.99


Price: $3.50


Price: $13.00
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