Pete Jr. has performed at prestigious comedy festivals spanning from Los Angeles to DC. His Dry Bar comedy special, Happily Frustrated, captivated audiences and held a spot in Dry Bar Comedy’s top 10 for an impressive month-long streak. In the competitive comedy circuit, Pete has proven himself as a standout, achieving semi-finalist status in renowned competitions such as the Cactus Comedy Classic and Riot Comedy Fest and previously reaching the finals of the esteemed Rocky Mountain Laugh Off. Recognized as a comedian on the rise, Pete hit the airwaves as a special guest on numerous radio programs nationwide and garnered attention from various publications as a comedian to watch. Pete's comedic talent extends to the screen, as evidenced by his guest appearance in season 2 of the online sitcom "The IP Section." Pete headlines top-tier clubs across the nation. From tackling provocative subjects with humor to drawing inspiration from his life experiences, Pete's comedic style promises to keep the laughs rolling, whether he's uncovering the humor in everyday occurrences or shedding light on the absurdities of life!