Event Information

Norht Bound Florida 2024-2025
North Bound

Online ticket sales for this event has ended. You may be able to buy tickets at the venue if available.

Returns Policy:

All sales are final (No returns)

Exchange / Upgrade Policy:

Exchange / upgrade accepted with any event (no refund) Click here to see the list of all events

Exchange / upgrade accepted up to 168 hours before the event.

Seasonal Florida 2024-2025

North Bound Information: 

Hello, we are glad you are using Crossroad Tours to go to Florida this season. 

We will be starting our drop off's in Nappanee, IN (one-way trip this should take us 20-23 hours, based on traffic).

ARRIVE 30 minutes before the state time going North, Bus leaves at 11:00 am sharp.

Arrive Indiana (estimated time)

City/State Address of pickup Going South (estimated/Eastern time)
Nappanee, IN  Martiin's Supermarket 242 N Oakland, Nappanee, In   6:30 am
Middlebury, In  McDonalds 828 Main St Middlebury, In  7:00 am
Shipshewana, IN  Yoder's Department Store 300 S Van Buren St. Shipshewana, IN  7:30 am
Topeka, IN  Topeka Pizza, 118 S Babcock St Topeka, In  8:00 am

 We have upgraded our system and all passengers must board with their ticket to get on the bus. 

All passengers must sit in their ticketed seats. 

Also, all passengers must sit in their assigned seat, until the bus driver tells passengers it is safe to switch seats.

We will be making 4 stops on the way to Indiana  (unless we are picking up a customer at one of our locations), we do this every 5 hours to switch drivers, we want our drivers to be focused and doing the best they can to make this trip safe for you and your family. We will stop for dinner, also you are more than welcome to get of the bus every time we stop. If you need us to stop for an emergancy please let one of the drivers know and we will work with you on the best and safest location to stop would be. 

Anyone over the age of 2 must be in their own seat. 
*Remember the bus driver is not the person who makes decisions about the trip, if you have a positive comment or a negative comment remember our drivers are doing their best to get you to your location safe and sound. Please call 260-768-7549
We hope you enjoy your trip with Crossroad Tours. 


Ticket cost is $318.00 round trip (all fees included), Ages 3-59

Ticket cost is $293.00 round trip (all fees included), Ages 60 plus

Ticket cost is $185.00 one-way (all fees included) Ages 3-59

Ticket cost is $160.00 one-way (all fees included) Ages 60 plus

We have housekeeping to take care of:


Crossroad Tours, INC is not responsible for anything you bring onto the bus. 

You are using Crossroad Tours, INC at your own risk, we are not responsible for accidents that happen while the bus is in motion or in transit to the venue.  Crossroad Tours is not responsible for an accident that may happen while at the venue Crossroad Tours Transported you to. 


Riders: anyone under the age of 18 must be with an adult. 


Cancelation of tickets: 

The tickets are non-refundable, but we will give you credit towards another trip if you need to cancel if more than 7 days from the trip. 


IF you cancel 7 days or less, prior to the trip leaving you receive no credit on your account, you will be out of all the money you paid for the tickets. When you buy the tickets you could have purchased the insurance that is provided and has no connection to Crossroad Tours. This is an outside company provided by ticketor.com for you to access to give you away to get your money back if you cancel less than 7 days from departure of your trip.


If we cancel the trip due to not meeting the minimum riders needed to take the trip you will get a full refund on that trip.

 Keeping the bus Clean: 

Before exiting the bus at your drop off location, please pick up your trash, sit your seat up, and put up your foot rest. 


IF you want to bring drinks on the bus they must be in screw tight containers. If you bring food on the bus, clean up after yourself and use the trash bags provided on your seat and/or the large trash bags you can pick up from the driver.  NO MILK Products. 


Before getting off at the end of your trip. Please set your seats in the upright position and put up your foot rests. Thank you for your help with this. 


Thank you and we are excited to see you on our next trip. Please call us or go on our website to see other trips. 

Website: crossroadbus.com





Event Flyer